February 28, 2025

Sorry, Respawn aren’t secretly working on another Titanfall by Natalie Clayton

Sorry, Respawn aren’t secretly working on another Titanfall –

Where are you hiding the mechs, Respawn? Apex Legends? Phenomenal stuff. Jedi: Fallen Order? It’s Star Wars, what else do you want? Mechs, dear reader, that’s what I want. But in an interview today, Respawn founder Vince Zampella explained that there are no plans for a Titanfall 2 successor anytime soon – though this summer may not be entirely without another glimpse at something new from the developers.


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This story was originally featured at https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/05/14/sorry-respawn-arent-secretly-working-on-another-titanfall/

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