CNC’s can get messy and the 3018 while a small desktop unit is no exception to this rule so we decided to design up a Chip Shied for the unit which was 3D printable. My first inclination was to laser cut a version on eBay/k40 laser however many people don’t have one of these (but they should so check out this link for deals: so your not like them) and we have even included a DXF model as well as the Fusion 360 files in this Make so if you do have a laser you can can laser cut (or CNC if you have a larger CNC) a version if you want to be like one of the cool kids and if not there is also a STL file which you can 3D print also so the best of both worlds is yours!
Also to cinch the pannels to the rails we will use some M5-8mm bolts (see more here: ) along with some M5 T-Nuts (see more here: )
Worth note: you will need a larger 3D printer like a CR-10 ( ) and we suggest two thing (1) if using CURA turning Ironing on and (2) flip the second one in your slicer making a left and right version so the outside is smooth as it will look better and CNC that looks better will work better!
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Major Favor: if you make one of these please post the Make and share it with the community 🙂 .
Also, please follow us on Thingiverse and give this a like if this came in handy and for more information on this project, please visit us at as well as subscribe to our YouTube Channel at along with a visit to our drone site and YouTube channel at
If you are looking for one of a kind swag shop for yourself or a Maker Geek friend, visit our swag shop at for unique 3D Printing, Laser Cutting and CNC swag! Too, if you want a behind the scene look at what we are working on be sure to follow us on Instagram (!
This article was first featured at on May 9, 2020 at 08:23AM by DIY3DTech
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