January 19, 2025

IKEA Storage Optimizer


I’ve got a few wall mounted IKEA EKET boxes in my office. They are the wall mounted storage units and have internal dimensions of (WxHxD) of approx 315x315x330mm.

My goal was to make some boxes that would help organize some of the smaller items in my office, to learn more OnShape – and have a bit of fun. And of course; at the end of this I can have a more organized work area.

I had a couple of limits which influenced my decisions – firstly my print bed is only roughly 200mm deep/wide – so I can’t print large items in one go.

Secondly; I dislike printing with supports – so I wanted something that was easy to print, and that printed easily – so say goodbye to supports.

Lastly; while I could have designed the boxes to print in two parts and clip together with a press-fit I made the choice to keep the first attempt simple, so the boxes needed to stay within the print bed.

The current design is a series of “plates” that you plug together. The STL files are created with a small 0.15mm offset to ensure the plates will fit snugly without deforming.

The box has two label slots – this is because there is one box behind another – so you have a label for the rear and front box. My idea was that I would put infrequently accessed things in the rear box.

The plates are labeled – for each compartment, you need a backing plate, two top and two side pieces. Have fun putting them together 🙂


  • the non-vented top plate is intended to serve as a shelf. The idea is to build two frames with this top plate and place them at the back of the EKET unit – creating a shelf area with space for two boxes underneath.
  • remember to leave off the “backing” plate for the frames placed at the front – this will allow you to access the rear most box (obviously you have to take the front box out first).

Disclaimer: don’t blame me if you run out of filament and at some point realize these are the most expensive boxes EVER to be produced.

If you wish to modify the design; the public OnShape document is here – please copy it and do as you wish; I only ask you post a comment here and keep your changes public as well.

License: GPL v3

OnShape Document: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/75a2176517a647f569f453a7/w/f33c71066a6b8bc34f70c41c/e/defb1471f108a2e36f83730e?configuration=List_6fzrAzMO21yT19%3DDefault%3BVented_Top%3Dtrue

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2zpOedx on May 8, 2020 at 04:36AM by johncclayton

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