March 3, 2025

Apex Legends Season 5 trailer shows hundreds of killer robots hiding beneath World’s Edge by Imogen Beckhelling

Apex Legends Season 5 trailer shows hundreds of killer robots hiding beneath World’s Edge –

What is it with Apex Legends and hiding secret laboratories underneath the arenas of popular televised bloodsports? First we had the labs under Kings Canyon with that huge void portal to get in and out of it, and now we find out there’s a huge facility chock-full of Revenant clones, too. It’s discovered by upcoming Legend Loba in the Season 5 launch trailer, and we even get a first look at what some of her abilities might be before the fifth season drops next week. Fair warning: it looks like she might be able to straight up pull your gun out of your hands.


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This story was originally featured at https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/05/06/apex-legends-season-5-trailer-shows-hundreds-of-killer-robots-hiding-beneath-worlds-edge/

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