It Was Only A Matter Of Time: The AT-AT Barbecue Grill –
This is one of the AT-AT barbecue grills made by UK-based Alex Dodson of Burned by Design (previously: his Darth Vader helmet grill, Alien and Predator head fire pits, and Lord Of The Rings Witch-King fire pit). If you’re interested in one apparently he’s actually going to start selling them on his website (worldwide shipping available), at least until the mouse sends a cease-and-desist. Obviously, I plan on already having mine by then. “I’d come over and slap my meat on your grill.” Excuse me? “You heard me.” You know this won’t be the first time I’ve impaled someone with a BBQ fork.
Keep going for a couple more shots.
Thanks to Cam, who agrees if you don’t coupe this with that TIE fighter fire pit, can you even make an argument you’re a real Star Wars fan?
This information appeared first at https://geekologie.com/2020/05/it-was-only-a-matter-of-time-the-at-at-b.php
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