February 24, 2025

Colonel Croesus: Turn 3

Clambering over rubble that, moments earlier, was a stout brick wall, Sergeant Nelson’s squad find themselves on the ground floor of a windowed two-storey west-facing storeroom. To the south the coast seems clear. To the north, in the chamber codenamed ‘LEAD’ by Colonel Croesus, a sandbagged Pak 40 anti-tank gun waits patiently for passing trade. The gun crew are expecting dawdling side-on Shermans 50 metres away. They are not expecting a dozen grizzled GIs within spitting distance.

(Colonel Croesus is an open-to-all game of Combat Mission: Fortress Italy in which Allied forces are orchestrated by commenters while German units are computer controlled. Each daily turn covers one minute of action. For a scenario outline and accounts of earlier turns, click here) (more…)

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This information was first published on https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/05/04/colonel-croesus-turn-3/

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