March 9, 2025

3D printer fully customizable closure with magnetic hinges


This is fully customizable 3D printer closure. Now you can fit closure into your desk, cabinet, etc. In my case it’s made for Prusa I3 MK3S, but it can be used for any other 3D printer as well.

As walls I’ve used 10mm thick Plexiglass sheets and 8mm for the front door, but I’ve prepared special adapters if you’d like to use thinner sheets.

Some of the parts demand to put magnets during printing – depending on the software which you’re using for slicing you can put a pause into g-code or use a “trick” with color change option to force pause at specific layer – then you can put magnets.

Magnet list:

HingeA – 2 x cylindrical 10 x 6 mm

HingeB – 2 x square 10 x 10 mm

Holder002 – 2 x cylindrical 4 x 4 mm

Holder004 – 2 x cylindrical 4 x 4 mm

Holder006 – 2 x cylindrical 4 x 4 mm

Holder007 – 2 x cylindrical 4 x 4 mm

stopper – 2 x cylindrical 4 x 4 mm

You don’t need to use supports for printing – just make sure that part is set correctly on the printing bed (parts with magnets always must be set to put magnets horizontally). I created special support for the hingeB – you can merge Hinge_B.stl & Hinge_B_supports.stl and print it – then after printing you’ll need to use a little force to move it and supports will break. If you don’t want to use magnets, just merge Hinge_A.stl, Hinge_B.stl and Hinge_B_supports.stl. I also added sealing edge with length of 100 mm adjusted for pleksiglass with 10 mm thickness, but you can simply scale it into slicing software to adjust for your needs.

I hope that it will be useful for you 🙂

Happy printing!

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2W3FzVQ on April 26, 2020 at 08:58AM by 3DeeS_

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