March 3, 2025

Biden Had Osama bin Laden’s Endorsement Long Before Obama’s by Dave Blount

Biden Had Osama bin Laden’s Endorsement Long Before Obama’s –

Even though Biden served as Obama’s Vice President for 8 years, the Moonbat Messiah refused to endorse Slow Joe until after there were no other Democrats running. In contrast, Osama bin Laden endorsed Biden for President before he was killed in 2011:

Usama bin Laden wanted to assassinate then-President Barack Obama so that the “totally unprepared” Joe Biden would take over as president and plunge the United States “into a crisis,” according to documents seized from bin Laden’s Pakistan compound when he was killed in May 2011.

To be regarded as easier on radical Islam than Obama is quite an accomplishment. Obama is the guy who gave Hezbollah the green light to smuggle cocaine into the USA at the behest of the terror state Iran. But then, Biden opposed the raid that took out OBL (absurdly, he later tried to deny this); despite his vacillations, even Obama realized he had to pull the trigger, once bin Laden’s whereabouts had been discovered.

After the raid killed bin Laden, Biden revealed the SEAL team that had accomplished the deed. Fifteen SEAL Team 6 members were killed not long afterward.

Osama bin Laden accurately evaluated Biden’s capabilities:

“Biden is totally unprepared for that post [i.e., the presidency], which will lead the U.S. into a crisis.”

Rapidly advancing senility has done little to make Biden more prepared. Any enemy of America would be a fool not to support him.

You can see why Biden is the Islamic terrorist choice.

On a tip from Rapinhoe.

The post Biden Had Osama bin Laden’s Endorsement Long Before Obama’s appeared first on Moonbattery.

This information appeared first at https://moonbattery.com/biden-had-osama-bin-ladens-endorsement-long-before-obamas/

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