March 11, 2025

JSP® Force™8 To 40MM NATO (RD40x1/7) Adapter


JSP® Force™8 To 40MM NATO (RD40x1/7) Adapter

This prototype design for a JSP® Force™ 8 respirator to 40 MM NATO, gas mask thread adapter. This adapter makes the JSP® Force™8 line of respirators compatible to RD40x1/7 threaded filter canisters or step down adapters to enable greater cross compatibility of respirators and filters to other manufacturer models.

If you do not have access to 40MM (RD40x1/7) filters, you can use the following adapters to step down to COTS filter cartridges from these companies below:

40 MM NATO to 3M™ Bayonet Adapter

40 MM NATO to MSA® Bayonet Adapter

40MM NATO to MSA® Comfo Classic Adapter

40MM NATO to Honeywell/Honeywell North® Adapter

40MM NATO to Honeywell Sperian® Filter Adapter

40MM NATO to AOSafety® Threaded Adapter

40 MM NATO to AOSafety® R5700 8051 Bayonet Adapter

40MM NATO to Portwest® Bayonet Adapter

40MM NATO to Moldex® 7000/9000 Series EasyLock® Bayonet Adapter

40MM NATO to Secura BC Bayonet Adapter

40MM NATO to JSP® Force™8 Filter Adapter

Alternatively, if you cannot source COTS filters, search thingiverse, there are a number of other DIY filter cartridge designs to mate to other major manufacturer, 3M/MSA/etc. respirator’s attachment system.

Part Description:


Initial model release.


1.) It would appear that the JSP® line of respirators has the bayonet/filter mating surfaces interestingly reversed, the gasket is on the filter side, all that is required is to ensure gasket on the JSP® filter side, nominal ID of 36.8 mm and gasket in the RD40x1/7 mask or female adapter.

2.) 3D printing materials are not resistant to many solvents, are water soluble, and degrade when exposed to chemicals. 3D printing this adapter is only a temporarily ad-hoc solution against biological threats. Once supply chain return to normal users should purchase OEM OSHA/NIOSH/EN standard approved adapters and respirator accessories.

Dev. Notes:

04/22/2020 – Initial model release. I do not have any JSP® series respirators or filters to check measurements, so please report back in comments for any fitment issues and I’ll release revisions as required.


Thanks to Ruszel and BigFootPL for publishing their JSP end caps and adapters.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2VsaWum on April 22, 2020 at 05:38PM by AgapeModeling

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