March 10, 2025

Flight Helmet Face Shield Adapter


A Careflight nurse found our local Face shield group and expressed a need for a face shield that would fit on his flight helmet. Within about 2 days we were able to do a handful of design iterations, print them, and get a working prototype to him. Next we have to print enough to give to everyone else in his flight crew and then share this around for flight crews around the country to use.

This was made in collaboration with CareFudundae and our 3D printing group based in Dayton, Ohio

If you would like to help our cause, please support us on GoFundMe here: 3DPrint COVID19 PPE for Dayton Healthcare Workers


This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2KtAn8m on April 22, 2020 at 11:39PM by MajorCinamonBun

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