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Apex Legends Map Change May Hint That Season 5 Connects To Titanfall 2 – April 17, 2020 at 02:50PM

Apex Legends‘ Season 4: Assimilation is scheduled to end on May 5 and Respawn has possibly already started hinting at what’s coming in Season 5 with small in-game map changes. The latest map change includes an Easter egg to Titanfall 2‘s most infamous level–which makes sense, since Respawn said Apex Legends Season 5 would have a “pleasant surprise” for Titanfall fans.

If you go to The Dome on World’s Edge, you can now discover a mysterious datapad in one of the main buildings. If you look at it before picking it up, you’ll notice it grants access to something having to do with the ARES Division. Picking it up briefly flashes a message across the screen, which reads that there are more sub-level rooms to discover and the entry point seems to be Singh Labs. Reddit user HIRUZENandENMA was the first to find the datapad and reveal the full message–their post is embedded below.

So how does this tie back into Titanfall? The Archaeological RESearch Division (ARES) is a part of the IMC, first encountered in-game during Titanfall 2’s memorable Effect And Cause level, which takes place on the planet Typhon. ARES was attempting to fix the Fold Weapon, an alien technology that could bend time and space, in order to use it as a planet killer. You destroy it in Titanfall 2, but Apex Legends has long since hinted that people have continued the work that ARES started.

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