March 10, 2025

Husky Parts Organizer Containers


I like to organize and since I saw these parts organizers at Home Depot for $12 each, I had to buy some… I got 10. I really like to organize.

The organizers come with removable containers in a 1×1 size and 1×2 size. I wanted some smaller and larger sizes to put in it so I did what all people with 3D printers do… modeled and printed.

The STLs that do NOT say Needs Supports (v3) are the ones that print w/o supports and the ones that I am using for printing.

The STLs that say Needs Supports are models that I created to mimic what came in the organizer. I added the 1x.5 and the 2×2 and 1×3 containers. I am unable to print the 1×3 on my print bed but I will be updating the 2×2 so it will print without supports. You can print these with supports and they work fine, but I just hate supports if you don’t need them.

If you want, you can edit my models on OnShape (free) yourself. Make what you want.

Husky Parts Organizer

OnShape Models

If you like the models, feel free to Tip the Designer, I would really appreciate it and it makes up for the time spend in doing this.


The 1x.5_Container-Needs Supports.stl will NOT work in the Husky case because of the lid.

The 1x.5_Container-v3.stl DOES work in the case… that is why the top lip is cut off my 4mm.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2VvhbfM on April 15, 2020 at 07:34PM by menerso

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