March 10, 2025

Bed Lift — LOW INFILL — Economical


I wanted to raise my bed for storage for it was to low to the ground. As you can see in the pictures, I have unique feet shapes that standard bed lifts would not work with. I wanted custom bed lifts, but also did not want them to cost a lot of money due to lots of plastic. When searching on thingiverse, for other bed lifts or furniture supports, people are suggesting 50-100% infill. This is absurd and absolutely not needed and will end up costing more in plastic than buying bed lifts for $20 on amazon.

10% infill is more than enough to get the job done. That is what I have printed mine on. I gathered up some weights in my apartment, bringing my weight up to 250 lb and jumped on a single corner of the bed after installing the lifts and it was fine. did not hear a single crack or anything. If that does not make you feel comfortable about using low infill, how about this. (2 Years as structural engineer are my credentials)

Bed lift Area = 7 in^2

PLA yield strength (yield not break) is about 9,000 psi (https://www.sd3d.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/MaterialTDS-PLA_01.pdf)

10% infill Bed lift Area = 0.7 in^2


9,000 psi * 0.7 in^2 = 6,300 lb.

If we assume the load is not distributed evenly and goes to half the area, and the material had a bad print and is at half strength, we are still at 1600 lbf to failure, which is not going to happen on a bed.

unless you have metal bed frame that could potentially have feet with very small surface area, 10% infill will be fine.

Make the top solid layer about 2 mm to give a little more material than normal up there.

I included a 4×4 square also that I did not print and use myself but matches the general bed lifts you can fine online.

I sized mine to be a perfect fit and would suggest doing the same that way your bed cant shift around on the lift itself. I included the fusion 360 file for anyone to modify their own.

I also ended up making a cover for the front 2 bed feet, which makes it look a lot nicer, just a little added ability that printing the lifts will get.

Note, if installing by yourself and have an old bed that might not like to have one side up higher than the other by 4in (like i had), using a scissor jack from your car to raise one side up 2 in, then install lifts on one side, then go back and install on the jack side, is a very easy way to get it done without damaging the bed frame.

All lifts are 4in high

circile has diameter of 2.77″

rectangle is 6.68″x1.03′

square is 4″x4″

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This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3beFViL on April 15, 2020 at 05:35PM by progers123

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