March 11, 2025

9mm Case Gauge Holder for Shockbottle 100 round case gauge


I created this case gauge holder for Shockbottle case gauges. I don’t know if it fits other 100 round case gauges, I designed it to fit mine (9mm) it also has holes on the side for single round case gauges, they are designed to hold Dillon and Hornady gauges (7/8″ diameter). The idea is to raise up the gauge so the rounds can sit flush, it raises the gauge by .25″.

4/14/2020- I just drew this up as an exercise to learn Fusion 360. I designed it with 3D printing in mind, that being said I have never 3D printed anything and I am passing the time designing stuff while I wait for my Prusa to arrive. Let me know in the comments how it works! I plan to print at 15-20% infill. Text is crappy Google Latin for “Trust your arrows”

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3cv6il5 on April 14, 2020 at 11:38PM by KennyJPowers

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