February 24, 2025

PostGIS in Action – Third Edition

If there is one book I’d recommend anyone to get in our industry this is it. Way back in 2009 I wrote about the first edition:

Looking at the table of contents reveals that this should be the book for learning how to use PostGIS in your GIS applications. I’m really intersted in Chapter 13, “First look at WKT raster”.

Of course that book was on my desk for years and eventually it was updated in 2013. But that was over 7 years ago, technology changes and so has PostGIS. You can now get the long awaited 3rd Edition in the Early Access Program. I’ve started reviewing it and there is so much in there as this is going to be a significant update. PostGIS 3.x should be a big deal in it as well as PostgreSQL 12.

Buying this book is a no-brainer for anyone.

This information was first published on http://spatiallyadjusted.com/2020/04/12/postgis-in-action-third-edition/

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