January 22, 2025

Transformers Medical Cargo Crate


Here’s something inspired by the noble healthcare profession which the world is seeing a lot more of now – a mobile Medical Cargo Crate which can be back carried and can be used to bring a variety of medical gear and equipment around!

The model itself is fairly simple to print and assemble, requiring a pair of ~60mm x 2mm diameter pins (we use brass rods) for its hinge joints (as shown in the attached image)

Internally, there are numerous 5mm ports, on which various accessories can be mounted. Four of these on the lid also extend through the piece, allowing parts to be attached externally too.

In the photos attached here, you can also see various earlier models such as:


Had intended for this to be a premium model, but decided that release it publicity for all. But with a note of maybe a couple of things you can do in return – have fun 3d printing a bunch of these, stay home, stay safe. Contribute to a local medical fund or cause if there is one near you.

And also most importantly – a massive thank you to all the medical staff and frontliners out there – the world salutes you!

Stay safe and we’ll get through this together! =)


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/39XdNiZ on April 11, 2020 at 09:58AM by FunbieStudios

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