March 13, 2025

Delta 28-195 Band Saw Wheel!


So we have a Delta 28-195 desktop band saw in the shop and its in great shape yet about a decade (or more) old and the hard rubber wheels gave up the ghost and we were having a hard time finding new ones. So we said, yet have a number of 3D printers so lets just print new ones from TPU (see more here: http://diy3dtech.com/tpu ) call it done so that is what we did and they worked out great! Note: your mileage might vary and be sure to be safe with all power tools

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Major Favor: if you make one of these please post the Make and share it with the community 🙂 .

Also, please follow us on Thingiverse and give this a like if this came in handy and for more information on this project, please visit us at http://www.DIY3DTech.com as well as subscribe to our YouTube Channel at http://YouTube.DIY3DTech.com along with a visit to our drone site and YouTube channel at http://video-drone.DIY3DTech.com

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This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3ee5eU7 on April 11, 2020 at 11:29AM by DIY3DTech

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