So I was printing and sending out a bunch of prints that I ran from another file and decided to design my own that would use less material and be faster to make in bulk. A couple that I tried were way too long, and I have a rather large dome so I figured it was a safe design. The files are good for lasers or 3D printers. I cut these from .075″ PETG on my 65watt Boss laser at 20mms speed and 80% power. On a 12″ square you can fit 42 of them and it took about 16 minutes. I did this test run of the 3D printed version and they were about 9 minutes each. With that said you guys no your printers / lasers better than I do so you may be able to speed things up! Feel free to leave any comments and or share these files!
This article was first featured at on April 10, 2020 at 01:51PM by kochtools
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