March 15, 2025

Hotend Cable and Tube Fixture (Creality Ender5)


Hotend Cable and Tube Fixture (for Creality Ender 3 and Ender 5)

This Thing is a part of a mod i´m working on it. Goal is to get a simple possibility to change hotend type from Bore 4.1 to all metal or something else and also change remote extruder and direct extruder in a quick, safe and endurance manner.

The idea is to exchange the complete Hotend with/without tube via simple connectors. One topic was to stabilize the cable while moving to prevent movements guided to soldered parts of the connectors avoiding mechanical stress to the connections. So the first step was to construct thing 4251689 “Ender 5 Guide for Tube/Cables to Hotend”

Now, the other side of the cable/tube was on work.

Base of this mod is a metal-plate wich is part of this article:

This metal plate is a little bit higher than the original and has aditional 4 holes for fixing wich is very important for the mod. The plates can be get also from a lot of other aliexpress shops.The plate can be exchange easyly to the original.

Now you have a great platform for everything 🙂

I created two fixture-types you can choose:

  1. conservative type, this will be realised through

    basically. You need 2 M3x5mm-Screws and the fitting nuts. one side you can remain the screw/nut, with the other you lock the holder.

  2. cliped version type, no screws are needed but printing is a litte bit more efford/precision. You need

PLEASE: Print out “HotendFixtureClip_Clamp.stl” very accurate with very slow speed, Part should be layed on slicer in this manner that small bolt will touch bed. Don´t use Brim or something else. After printing, remove the small bolt with a cutter-knife and use sand paper to get structure smooth. If you are printing this parts with PLA mounting is a little bit tricky. Heat up hold-plate with a hot air fan to 40…50°C not more not less. Unless hold-plate could break while mouting clamp.

After assembly you have two possibilities to mount thing on Ender. One is more conservative: 2x M4x8mm-Screws with fitting nuts or you use the “HotendFixture_FixClip.stl” this will hold the fixture without screws.

It was a big journey to design the spring mechanism not to be to hard or soft. Also the Fix-Clip got a lot of attention.

I gave also the construction files *.f3d for you if you want to adapt/change something for your mod.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/39TVQBV on April 8, 2020 at 10:46AM by D_o_S

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