March 15, 2025

Centauri Scarab Class Transport


The Scarab Class Transport from the Babylon 5 TV show.

This is a luxury shuttle uses by Centauri VIP’s, This Model had to be split apart and large sections rebuilt. the original had lots of gaps and separations that have been closed in the update 4. The markings have also been raised to assist with painting.

Ship Size: 30 meters


1:270 fighter scale= 111.11mm

Whats in the pack:

Scarab original file

Scarab update 4. refinement for 3D Printing

Original file:

Please contact me if you have any issues.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2JK5a0h on April 6, 2020 at 04:36AM by Badhaircut55

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