March 1, 2025

***April 2020 Challenge – Map a Western** – April 6, 2020 at 04:19AM

Saddle up your ponies gang cause this month we’re take’n a trip to the wild wild west! That’s right, move over Wild Bill Hickok, step aside Jesse James there’s a new kid in town. Better be sure that you’re quick on the draw with your stylus cause you can bet’cher butt there’s like to be a showdown!

Now, you can map a battlefield. You can map a town. You can map a saloon. Heck you can even map a shootout, don’t rightly matter. The theme is the main thing you see. But whatever you do, just be sure it’s ready by high noon on the last day of this month.

And one more thing, it’s best you follow the rules amigo, else The Lawman will be coming for you, and Hell’s coming with him!

1) Title your thread: April 2020 Challenge: <<your title would go here>>

2) Use the ### Latest WIP ### tag before EVERY work-in-progress image you post… or else.

3) Only maps begun on or after today (April 5th) are eligible for the contest.

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