March 16, 2025

USB Flight Controller / Joystick with Four Axes


With the new flight simulator coming out this fall 2020, it is about time to make your own JOYSTICK!


This is a 3D printed fully functional flight control joystick. The usb interface is managed by an Arduino Micro (or compatible board). The axes movements are detected via 10k potentiometers. To print and assemble this you don’t need to know a lot of programming or electronics skills. The software uses the Joystick 1.0 library from Matthew Heironimus

(https://github.com/MHeironimus/ArduinoJoystickLibrary/tree/version-1.0 included in the JoystickControlSoftware.zip file).With all parts, the joystick will cost something between 20 and 50 €, depending on how cheap you can get your hands on parts.


All Parts were printed in PETG from different vendors (Prusament and extrudr)


STL files were sliced with PrusaSlicer


All STL-files are oriented in optimal print orientation.


Most pieces were printed with 0.15 mm resolution (0.15 mm Quality MK3 in PrusaSlicer) . Larger Pieces were printed with 0.3 mm resolution (0.30 mm Draft MK3 in PrusaSlicer) for time reasons:

  • Stick_L
  • Stick_R
  • Throttle_L
  • Throttle_R
  • Bottom_Plate


Some pieces have to be printed with support:

  • Rubber_Platform
  • Stick_R
  • Stick_L


Full assembly of the joystick is shown on Instructables https://www.instructables.com/id/3D-Printed-USB-Flight-Controller-Joystick-With-Fou/


The Joystick was designed from scratch in Blender. The source file including all objects (including screws, potentiometers, buttons and the arduino) is attached as well.

I might still add a case, but maybe first I#ll add some more buttons, after playing hours of flightsim and figuring out what else I will need.

Feel free now to add your own buttons and make this nice project work!

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3dSS1zM on April 2, 2020 at 09:27PM by StavroX

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