March 3, 2025

Shadow Fall Novel: First Look at New Villain and More by StarWars.com Team

Shadow Fall Novel: First Look at New Villain and More –

The pilots of Alpha Squadron have a new enemy. Turns out, he’s also an old one.

Just revealed on This Week! In Star Wars, the upcoming novel Star Wars: Shadow Fall by Alexander Freed will feature Soran Keize — the master strategist behind the deadly TIE fighters of Shadow Wing. You can see new art depicting the squadron commander, available in the Barnes & Noble exclusive edition of the novel, below.

Star Wars: Shadow Fall - Soran Keize

In addition, the art of Soran Keize will be featured alongside New Republic pilots Chass and Kairos in a series of Barnes & Noble-exclusive bookmarks. The bookmarks will also include dossiers from the desk of Republic Intelligence officer Caern Adan. Check them out below!

Star Wars: Shadow Fall character bookmarks Star Wars: Shadow Fall character bookmarks

In Shadow Fall, book two of the Alphabet Squadron trilogy, we’ll not only see more of our New Republic pilots, but also get a deeper look into what the Imperial Remnant is up to. Major Soran Keize is now back in command of Shadow Wing, and the experienced commander is desperately trying to give the directionless Imperial unit something to fight for. As some members of his unit turn to specters of the past for comfort (like those creepy Palpatine messenger droids), Soran decides to give Shadow Wing a future — by targeting Alphabet Squadron and the other New Republic fighters under the command of General Hera Syndulla.

And if you missed out on the first book in the series, fear not: Alphabet Squadron is now available in eBook format for just $1.99 through April 10.

Star Wars: Shadow Fall cover

Star Wars: Shadow Fall arrives June 23 and is available for pre-order now.

See Star Wars: Shadow Fall and more on This Week! in Star Wars below!

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This information appeard first at https://www.starwars.com/news/shadow-fall-novel-first-look-at-new-villain-and-more

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