December 28, 2024

Cops Are Wearing Covid-19 Helmets As Reality Just Gets Weirder During Pandemic by Matt Novak

Cops Are Wearing Covid-19 Helmets As Reality Just Gets Weirder During Pandemic –gd33xtxag1hntpelwawk.jpg

Rajesh Babu, a police officer in Chennai, India, has started wearing a helmet while enforcing a lockdown of the country’s 1.3 billion people. But it’s not just any helmet. Babu’s headgear is designed to look like the new coronavirus, which causes the disease covid-19. And it’s just one more sign that our current…

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This information appeared first at https://gizmodo.com/cops-are-wearing-covid-19-helmets-as-reality-just-gets-1842556045

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