March 8, 2025

Virus Visor all-in-one holder


Visor to protect against Covid-19 etc.

All is included, except a transparent sheet.

The elastic band in the back is 3D-printed, as well as padding for the forehead.

These are usually extra components, and 3D-printing them instead simplifies the production and makes it independent.

The transparent sheet must have the standard hole punch of ISO 838, which are 4 holes of 6mm, 80mm apart, for its fastening.

Important: I randomize the Z-seam to avoid it hitting and breaking the elastic band.

I printed mine with ordinary PLA which worked fine. The elastic band could be over stretched to remove a tight fit on head, and it did not break even at long stretching. But I do not expect old brittle PLA to stand this. It worked well with PETG too, but that was less springy.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3bG7y45 on April 1, 2020 at 09:52AM by KimOyhus

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