I designed this over a year ago and have been using it daily ever since, let me know if there are any problems with the design and I’ll look into it!
This is designed for 12×3.5″ hard drives and is “semi hot swapabale”, it takes ~2minutes to swap a drive
This design mixes 3D-printing with Laser cutting, it requires a laser cutter and 3D printer to be completed.
I designed this NAS to be as small as possible so it uses a 240W low profile power supply, combined with a “Pico-Power” power supply. A standard power supply will not fit with the lid on!
This NAS case costs ~40USD and takes a an afternoon to complete.
All laser cut parts can be friction fitted but it is recommended to screw it together.
All laser cut parts should be cut from 6mm wood, MDF or acrylic. I recommend MDF, its sturdy and flat.
Lasercut parts:
Front_Panel: 1
Back_Panel: 1
Bottom_Panel: 1
Middle_Panel: 1
Top_Panel: 1
Center_Panel: 1
Side_Panel: 2
3D printed parts list:
PSU_Retainer: 2
90-Degree_Fasteners: 12
HDD_Rail: 2 for each HDD
HDD_Rail_Holder: 1 for each HDD (Only required for one side of the middle row)
HDD_Rail_Holder_Nut: 1 for each HDD
5.0mmx12mm plastic screw: 16
6-32: 6 for each HDD (~8mm length is recommended)
M3x12mm: 28, 3 for every HDD (Outer row for the rail holder)
M3x14mm: 3 for each HDD (Center row for the rail holder)
M3-Nut: 28, 6 for each HDD
M3x16mm: Replaces 1 of the M3x12 screw for the HDD and locks the sliding of the hard drive cage (OPTIONAL)
Purchased parts
1400x1000mm MDF: 1 (10USD)
120mm Fans: 4 (15USD)
12V-240W PSU: 1 (Can be found on eBay for ~20USD)
PicoPower-Powersupply: 1 (Can be found on eBay for ~10-50USD)
This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2UVblnB on April 1, 2020 at 05:16AM by joey_strandnes
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