March 17, 2025

Laser cut medical shield. No 3d printing required. Optimized for mass production.


Medical face shield suitable for mass production by laser cutting or stamping PETG 0,5mm.

As there are no 3d printed partsthe design is 100-1000 times faster to produce than 3d printed ones. The design is well tested and verified by medical community.


At the moment at https://ift.tt/2X0WhYi 350 companies in Poland are producing over 100 000 such shields daily using this design. Feel free to use the files to start free of charge or commercial production in your area. Please keep the price sane though. Many companies deliver the shields to medical facilities free of charge.

Or even better start a similar campaign like the one linked above organizing companies in your country. Feel free to translate assembly instruction too.


The design uses two 4cm diameter rubber bands.

Other transparent materials can be used instead of PETG. Use of PVC is discouraged due to medical reasons.


Original design created by Konrad Klepacki and Mateusz Dyrda has been posted here https://hackaday.io/project/170481-laser-cut-medical-shield


Please contact me at klepacki1492@gmail.com if you need assistance.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2R3NNM3 on April 1, 2020 at 07:28AM by konrad44

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