Fireplace (with fire)
This fireplace model has been created using SketchUp. The original .skp file is included for those who want to make changes.
It includes:
A hollow flames-and-woodblock model, that is to be printed using a transparent material. You can choose a transparent resin for that on your SLA / DLP printer or a transparant PLA on your FDM printer.
- A backdrop of the fire resistant back wall of the fireplace, stained with soot, to be printed on a color (inkjet) printer on thick paper and cut out and glued to the back wall of the fireplace.
The idea is to put 3d flickering leds inside the flames and to color the lower part of the flames black (wood blocks).
Happy printing!
This article was first featured at on April 1, 2020 at 12:25PM by Tinkerman
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