March 17, 2025

Thin Comfortable Plan B Covid 19 protective Respirator


This is a design for a reusable protection mask that I want to share due to the shortage of disposable ones. I can’t say for sure if its performance would be like the N95 mask. Please bear in mind this is not a certified designed and will probably never be, you are on your own when deciding to use this item. I would suggest using any certified mask over this one, but in my case I would definitely use it if no other options are available.

Designed to be printed with .4-.6mm nozzles with a layer height of .2-.3mm. The respirator is comprised of Five printed parts: Mask, Filter Base, Filter Cap, Filter Grid and Spacer Ring.

The mask must be printed using the slicing program’s “spiral vase” option with eight base layer’s for mounting the filter base and cap. The spiral vase option allows the mask to be printed quickly, smoothly and with the least possibility of a breach in the seal of the mask when used. Additionally, printing using the spiral vase method provides lightweight flexibility and comfort.The Filter Base, Filter Cap, Filter Grid and Spacer ring may be printed in the manner that best produces small parts on each type of 3D printer.

The Mask is designed to be put together with no additional adhesives. To assemble Place Filter materials inside the filter Base and secure materials down with the Filter Grid. Place Filter Base with Materials loaded through circle slot with threads pointing outward. Then place Spacer Ring over threads and screw on the Filter Cap. Be careful not to over tighten the filter cap. The designe is made to create meany points of contact to create an air tight seal without the cost of excessive wear and tear. To swap out a filter, Place thumb on the filter base inside the mask and gently unscrew the Filter cap. Two 2mm holes should be made in pairs on each edge of the mask, around 40mm apart and halfway between the bridge of the nose and the chin. Rubber bands can then be attached to these holes to create ear bands to hold the mask securely on the user’s face.

Subtle application of heat from a blow dryer can also be used around the nose area to creat a more custom fit. The mask is ready to be used at this point, but can be made to have a better seal with self-adhesive foam weather stripping for windows. This material is inexpensive and available at stores everywhere.

The filter may be made from a number of materials, including make-up remover pads vacuum filters for shop vacs and cotton sheeting. Breathability is key when choosing a filter material. To swap out a filter, Place thumb on the filter base inside the mask and gently unscrew the Filter cap.


When Printing the mask be sure to use the “spiral vase” option. In Cura it is called “Spiralize Outer Contour” under special Modes in the settings panel.

Be sure to print with eight base layers when printing the mask to ensure that the slot and in set for mounting the filter are included.

Please remember this is not a certified design, you are on your own when deciding to use this item.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2wT4gM9 on March 31, 2020 at 10:23AM by Madhazred

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