March 18, 2025

Remixed Protective Visor by 3DVerkstan HINGED FOR SMALL PRINTERS 135MM BY 125MM


Remixed this model for those who have a small 3D printer. when rotated near 45 degrees it will fit in 135mm by 125mm box. This is the start and is a little rough. I will work on making it look a little more streamline in the coming days.

Was printed with a .4 nozzle at .2 layer height and took roughly 2 hours. It is an older $150 china kit printer so im sure it can be printed faster. the original design was made for fast printing with a .8mm nozzle in around 20 min. With a .8 mm this should be able to be printed in just over 30 min.

Original Design

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/39zgfM8 on March 31, 2020 at 01:36PM by Prylolizer

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