A replacement lower drip tray for the Type D111 Nespresso coffee machine. Found this machine at a thrift store, but it was missing the lower drip tray and later found it leaked around the pod during brewing, so I figured I knew why it was such a good deal. First, I replaced the O-ring seal around the pod presser and tested to make sure it worked before designing and 3D printing the base. The bases for many of these Nespresso machines are very similar and can serve as a good template to start with.
ThingiView is not available for this due to problems with the Thingiverse rendering program. I’ve included several views from the Fusion 360 CAD program for now. Trouble ticket issued after 5 weeks waiting. Will update once it’s fixed.
This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2xJaQ7Z on March 31, 2020 at 08:38PM by Bogiewon
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