• Very quick to 3D print (16-20 minutes)
• It weights 21 Grams!! -> you can about 45 shields with a 1Kg filament roll
• Its designed to be printed in VASE MODE -> Super clean print, no postrocessing, no issues, even with the almost abandoned, home of bugs and boxes in the corner, crappy old printer (hurra!)
• Its designed to avoid sharp corners, grooves, etc an thus be cleaned and sterilyzed easily.
• The visor can be perforated with a standard plastic spiral paper puncher (4mm rounh holes every 6mm), or other methods
• If you were expelled for the scouts for being a potato with knots, its your lucky day. You can just use rubber bands or a circular elastic that you dont need to untie to wash.
• Designed to be the most flexible as it can be, for maximun confort and pleasure!
• Designed while quarantined in ROSARIO-Argentina!
Happy printing!
This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2JrZ4S8 on March 30, 2020 at 06:44PM by lrsasso
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