March 18, 2025

Rice Cooker On-Off Knob


Our 30+ year-old Tatung rice cooker (大同電子鍋) has been missing a knob on the on-off switch like forever. Besides being unslightly, it’s a bit tough on your fingers whenever you press the lever. Tatung rice cookers are built like tanks and this one probably has a few good decades left in it. So, to restore its ease of use, I set about making a new knob using 3D printing!

The knob has a slot on the back that fits the on-off lever. Epoxy glue was used to hold it in place.

Read the details of this project here:

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2QV6wtg on March 29, 2020 at 12:44PM by ermah

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