March 18, 2025

Protective Face Shield


3D – Printing: Face Shields

Let’s help together by printing valuable protective gear!

Many have already worked on a 3D design for face shields. Inspired by Prusa´s solution https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/25857-protective-face-shield-rc1 we have made some changes and constructed the following version which you can download here. Advantage of this version: It allows fast printing.


  1. Print the frame for the face shield
  2. Attach shield –> conventional transparent DIN A4 foil (e.g. used for cover pages): Before attaching, you can use a conventional hole punch for the four holes –> see image (detailed instruction: set the hole punch to A6, then punch two holes into the foil, turn the foil and punch from the other side the other two holes –> this ensures the correct distance between all four holes)
  3. Attach rubber band (or any other band) at the fixture
  4. If available, attach self-sticking felt band(or something similar) to the inside of the printed frame for the wearer’s comfort (see picture)
  5. If required/wished it is possible to round the face shield’s/foil’s ends (with scissors). This might protect wearers and others from any potential injuries.

Many hospitals and local doctors suffer from a shortage in medical protective gear. This 3D printing design is not medically certified; however, it can help during this time of crisis. If you have a 3D printer and want to help, you might want to contact your local health services, doctors and/or hospitals and present them with a prototype and start printing for them. Local networks of supply and demand might facilitate the logistics.

Due to the fact that the virus can stay on surfaces the following is highly recommended to avoid contamination: Wear gloves and face masks during the production and handling of the face shields. Discuss your production environment with the ones whom you are offering these shields to. The shields can be disinfected without damaging any part of the material (but NOT with hot sterilisation).

List of Things You Need

  1. 3D printer and the design (open access, download)
  2. Foil for the shield (we use: Din A4 office foil; commonly used for cover/front pages)
  3. Rubber band, textile band or thread (household item)
  4. Self-sticking felt band (or something similar)
  5. Conventional hole punch, scissors (household items)

Non-Commercial Face Shields

We share this file and instructions under non-commercial licence as we greatly feel (and would like to emphasise!) that this is not the time to make money with these life-saving devices. We understand if you need to cover your production costs, however, we ask you not to make profit with these face shields.

If you make changes/improvements to the design, let us know!

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3buQhuA on March 29, 2020 at 11:01AM by Innovator1234

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