March 18, 2025

Full Thrust Fleet 1


Hello! I was recently introduced to the world of Full Thrust and I wanted to make my own fleet. I have an FDM printer, so I set about creating a very FDM friendly fleet to print. It is not quite complete. I have several more ships to go in order to fill out the generic ship classifications, but I have many more planned. More classes of frigates, cruisers and the like. I am also planning some merchant vessels and space stations. So keep an eye out! I have included a zip labeled “Phase 1” in case the download all button fails. 🙂

I have included my spreadsheet that I am using to set up ships sizes (actual) and tonnage ratings. I am also including a shot of the suggested orientation for the ships. I printed them all at a 45 degree angle nose up tail down. Supports only from the build plate. Even the fighters!! I used a .2 nozzle for my printing. They are fairly good with a .4, except for the fighters. 🙂

I may also make a custom base at a later date. I have not pre drilled any holes in these ships as there are a wide variety of bases for them and they all have different mounting sizes. 3D builder would be awesome for adding your own holes.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2WTPPSE on March 29, 2020 at 10:18PM by johnthewarlock

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