March 18, 2025

Cellular candle holder vase

First of all I want to thank trunKsters for this beautiful design.

Mine is a kind of remix but no truly, let me explain my self. First I began to print the whole object and it was doing it beatufuly but when it reached the second part of the object my printer messed it up, I got a not-so-nice spaguetti filament! So I decided to split the object in two parts, cleaned up the first half of the object (the solid one) that was perfectly printed and began to print only the second half of it, (let’s call it “the mesh”) but it messed it up one try after another so decided to do my own second part.

Then I took Lightwave 3D and generated my own mesh from scratch, more symetric, a little bit thiker and without any flat horizontal line to avoid the need of supports and here is my result.

I know it’s not as beautiful as the original one but it printed wonderfuly at the first try.

Finally didn’t glued the two parts for easy acces to the candle inside. It stays on it’s place firmly and it looks as one piece at first sight.

I liked the result, I hope you too.

I include in this post my version of the upper half for you to use it if you like it or if you had the same troubles that I when printing it but you still want to print this nice design.


This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3avdCMC on March 29, 2020 at 10:25PM by PepeKuri

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