March 10, 2025

full sheet birthday cake (no name) – dual print capable


this is a full sheet birthday cake with separate stl files for dual printing

it appears that it will also work with a single extruder printer in Simplify3D by selecting both files.

when the origins of the .stl are aligned, the decorations sit on top of the cake

the picture shows where i added my wife’s name; however, the stl files omits the name

the cake portion is file: birthday_cake_full_sheet_no-name_200325_cake.stl

the decorations, candle and words are in file: birthday_cake_full_sheet_no-name_200325_decorations.stl

the sketchup file is provided as: birthday_cake_full_sheet_no-name_200325.skp

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2UEUjK3 on March 25, 2020 at 11:09PM by tc_fea

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