I am printing these for family and friends that can use them.
I am NOT the DESIGNER and AM NOT ASSOCIATED NOR MAKING A PROFIT from these parts just to be clear. (now that that’s out of the way)…
I have REDUCED these parts to 70% for toddlers and it seems to work out fine.
You can find the Original mask from the MFG HERE: https://copper3d.com/hackthepandemic/
They have all the info associated with this product.
If you have the time and filament you can help stop the possible spread of this virus by printing a few and giving them away to someone that needs them. Maybe if more of us did this we can put all this behind us even faster, the faster the better!
Okay, so here’s how I put the ones I made together…
You WILL NEED an internal filter which needs to be cut to size for optimal results.
there’s plenty of household materials that can be used if you do not have an N95 filter on hand.
This is how I did it… you may find a better way but hey, it’s not rocket science rite?
1) Use a sauce pan with hot (not boiling) water to soften the PLA, it doesn’t need to be too hot so as you burn your hands in the molding process.
2) Fill it about 1/2 way and place the ASSEMBLED mask in the water FACE DOWN for a minute or less (depending on how hot the water is) and gently cover your face pinching the nose bridge area horizontally and start to form the mask from there 1st.
3) Try not to mold the filter connection so the cap can be removed and accessed.
4) Tuck the CHIN flap under the cheek so the strap is actually BEHIND the cheek sides, that way it doesn’t just hang and not help with the seal.
5) Strap the mask on using whatever means suits you, personally I use Hair ties but you can use rubber bands as well.
The mask takes around 3hrs 50 min using a .4 nozzle and .16 res with bed support.
The Filter and cap is around the same time, maybe a little shorter.
I rotated the mask like 40 deg but it’s not mandatory it just makes room for the inner filter and cap if you want to print them all at once.
It really helps having a FLAT LEVEL bed but as long as it sticks you should be good to go 🙂
This information appeared first at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4234110
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