Guy Runs Around Boston To Draw Mickey Mouse Head In GPS Tracker Map –
This is the result of Redditor glirg running around Boston with a GPS tracking app to draw the best Mickey Mouse head that he could. Not bad — that was a lot of fast running to finish in just over an hour. In his own words: “I ran all around Boston like an idiot to draw a Mickey Mouse.” Haha, well that was your choice, you didn’t have to run swinging your arms over your head, you could have just run normal. “What’s normal?” *using penis to jumprope down the sidewalk* I haven’t the foggiest.
Thanks to Matwerplunkintwine, for really delivering the hot tip.
This information appeared first at https://geekologie.com/2020/03/guy-runs-around-boston-to-draw-mickey-mo.php
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