Direct drive assembly for Titan extruder using the stock Anycubic carriage plate, E3D V5 hot end .
It designed to have the same size than the original to have nothing to modify in your configuration (software, hardware) and to avoid direct air flow on ABS prints
ABS, PETG or similar are highly recommended to resist to the high temp of the hotend
You’ll need belt holder, rear fan duct and PCB holder
you can get them here:
waiting I design them specially for this assembly
parts list:
4x M3x12 raised head screw for the top
4x M3x (hotend fan thickness)+3mm
1x M3x12 +lock nut (it is mounted on the top right hole of carriage plate, from front to the back, due to the motor and base plate thicknness)
When printing the top , put level Z at -5 to avoid default of the tiny parts at the bottom and if you have it, select adaptive layer, it gives great result (Cura settings are in the last pic)
I use a 2.5mm drill and m3x0.4 middle taper
Use holders everywhere for the base
Use bed holders for the “couvercle”
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This article was first featured at on March 19, 2020 at 05:16PM by tgenial
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