March 3, 2025

Ender 3 – Raspberry Pi Touchscreen Articulating Arm Mount


Hey Guys –

This is a custom design which may be used to combine the 3D printed articulating LED lamp project with the CR10 Ender 3 Raspberry PI 7 Touchscreen Mount project thus allowing you to mount a Raspberry Pi Touchscreen onto your Ender 3 (or something else) using an articulating arm mount.

I’ve successfully printed and have almost finished assembling it so will post a picture once complete. If needed, below is a list of all files I personally printed to get mine set up on the side of my Ender 3 Pro.

Note: I didn’t have any spare T-nuts, so printed a couple which are listed below as well…

I haven’t tried printing without supports, but including them only adds a couple of minutes.

Thanks to the authors of the referenced projects above for their work with their initial designs.


This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2Wcr0Bb on March 15, 2020 at 03:35PM by benkell

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