February 24, 2025

Apex Legends data miners have found some big scary doggos in the game’s files by Imogen Beckhelling

Apex Legends data miners have found some big scary doggos in the game’s files –

The last patch Apex Legends received was a big ‘un, introducing lots of new Apex content hidden away amongst our game files. Not all of it is in use yet, of course, it’s just tantalisingly hanging out back there, waiting for a new update to activate it… Or, waiting for a sneaky data miner to take a peek. And peek they have, for those files are hiding loads of unannounced skins, a potential new event, and these giant alien dog creatures who originally hail from Titanfall.


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This story was originally featured at https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/03/11/apex-legends-data-miners-have-found-some-big-scary-doggos-in-the-games-files/

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