March 10, 2025

Apple Could Build Travel Recommendations Into Its Map Service – March 8, 2020 at 11:26PM

Apple has greatly improved on its mapping application ever since its debut, but of course, further improvements by adding new features is only natural, and it looks like one of those potential new features is travel recommendations.

This is according to a recently-sighted job listing (which has since been deleted) that suggests that Apple wants to include such a feature in its maps. The job is calling for a “Product Manager – Maps, Writer/Editor” based in Culver City, California, where the job description reads, “[Apple] is looking for someone to help build exciting and engaging editorial content to help Maps users explore their world. Whether that’s locally, or when they’re planning an amazing vacation.”

The job will require that the applicant has an “Insatiable curiosity for discovering new places and a passion for telling the world in an engaging manner”, along with “Knowledge of food, travel, and shopping trends”, and “Strong editing skills to help craft engaging digital content”.

Travel recommendations aren’t new and we’ve seen this feature included in other mapping services, namely Google Maps where its Local Guides feature offers up something similar. Google Maps also has built-in recommendations under the For You tab, so like we said, this won’t be completely new.

However, if Apple is hoping to get more users to use its service instead of the competition, building in features like this could be one way to go about it.

Apple Could Build Travel Recommendations Into Its Map Service

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