I have been a fan of Dr Who but we all pick our favorite actor that plays the multi-dimensional being. I remember staying up and waiting for each episode on the PBS station late on Saturday nights. Tom Baker was my era with Ramana and K-9 looking for the fragments to the Key to Time. Yes it would remind you of Infinity Stones, but Dr Who told the story first 25 years ago.
The Doctor had a machine that he could freely travel through space and time with and it was called the Tardis. As it landed in London in 1963, the outside took on the shape of a police call box and the circuits got frozen in that shape. So from then on as it would land, it always a call box. A major plot point in the show that we all loved. Real Boxes, even thou not used as they were in the past, can still be found there surviving in the wild you can visit. Probably because of the fans of show.
Finding a reference photo and after getting a standard switch plate dimension, I was ready to start drawing. My goal was to make it as close to the real box is and give it a bit of exaggerated thickness so shadows look good.
Each time a make a part in Fusion360 I get faster, I think I worked about an hour and a half. I kept working details so the eye catches glints and shadows to add visual interest in the piece.
I 3d printing my Tardis Switch Plate Feb. 29, 2020
I think my version has great proportions. While looking up the reference photo over the years there has been many Police Boxes built for the show. The prop used would get beat up being moved from location to location. Then would get rebuild and variations of the shape would show up. About seven versions can be seen as you watch the show though the year it has been on. There are no definitive shape for the Tardis.
The print took over 11 and a half hours and this is the reason why I pick blue filament for my first roll so long ago for this single project. I am making it as a very special gift for my sweet daughter-in-law Amanda, that loves Dr. Who too.
Thanks for stopping by. and read more at seahorseprinting.wordpress.com
Posted by: Ron
This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/38jDOs1 on March 1, 2020 at 09:19PM by texartron
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