Do you own the cnc4newbie’s X/Z Carriage for the Shapeoko 3?
Are you printing the PwnCNC Dust Boot (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3963258)?
If you answered yes then this “thing” is for you. Print the following files from this “thing”:
(2) Ear.stl
(2) Plate.stl
(2) Thumb-Screw-v2f.stl
(2) Wing-v2g.stl
(1) Arm-L.stl
(1) Arm-R.stl
(2) Pin.stl
(2) Pin-Nut.stl
Next you need to decide what material you’d like the track brackets made from.
- 3d Printed… then print the Track.stl
- Cut from Acrylic… then use the Track.svg to import into Carbide Create and cut.
- Cut from Aluminum… then use the Track.step to build you’re gcode.
If you chose Acrylic and would rather purchase it… it’s available in my webstore.
If you chose Aluminum, I’ll have it available for purchase in early April 2020.
Lastly… if you’ve installed your brackets and feel they need that little something extra, consider printing the Stabilizer-Bracket.stl.
Either way, the hardware pack is available… go to https://pwncnc.com/purchase?olsPage=products%2Fhardware-v2
Under Bracketing System Hardware choose the “Brackets for the cnc4newbie X/Z Carriage” and proceed through checkout. I’ll send you all the hardware you need to complete your build.
I’m working on an assembly guide for installing the hardware, but until then you can visit https://pwncnc.com/install to learn how to install these brackets onto your Shapeoko HDZ.
Lastly… come join us in our facebook group and share you’re build or ask questions: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2993800347512326/
This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3agg5Kz on March 1, 2020 at 10:50PM by PwnCNC
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