March 1, 2025

Rush Limbaugh Rips Media on Virus: ‘You Ought To Damn Well Be Ashamed’ by Tim Graham

Rush Limbaugh Rips Media on Virus: ‘You Ought To Damn Well Be Ashamed’ –


In the last half-hour of Thursday’s Rush Limbaugh show, America’s leading talk-show host ripped into the press for its partisanship. On Wednesday, CNN’s “Reliable Sources” newsletter reported  Limbaugh “floated a wild coronavirus conspiracy theory” that the virus “is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump.” Then CNN and the others promptly weaponized the virus, trashing Trump for being unable to respond (or being too much of a liar to be trusted).

This information appeared first at https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/tim-graham/2020/02/28/rush-limbaugh-rips-media-virus-you-ought-damn-well-be-ashamed

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