February 24, 2025

E3D Tool Changer Modified Part Cooling Duct


The E3D Tool Changer Printer is a Core XY prototype printer with many new innovations.

It holds up to four separate tools for FDM printing, or whatever you wish to connect to the

motion platform within the dimensional confines of the automatically loaded tool heads.

The tool heads for this prototype have a ducted part cooling fan, and are designed for fans

with very thin mounting ears, approx. 1.3mm thick. E3D had to get a new supplier for the fans due to the fact that the original supplier had fans which were not responsive to PWM control. They were basically either on at 255 (Full ON) duty cycle, or off at lower settings.

The new E3D fans which they sourced are WINSINN fans, and are slightly different dimensionally. They do not fit in the FDM printed part for the V6 Part Cooling Fan shown on the E3D Github for this unit. The mounting ears are approx. 2.5mm thick, so they don’t fit.

I have taken the E3D STL file and imported it into OpenScad, used the “difference” command to subtract out the offending mounting ears, and then added in new sections for the wider mounting slot.

Attached in this thing are the original E3D V6 PCF STL file, along with my Openscad design, and a resulting modified STL file.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2w880sH on February 27, 2020 at 01:50PM by jpickens

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