1BTC to whoever can get the wallet seed phrase out of this file –
I recently made a little tool for storing seed phrases to my wallets in .txt files. Spare me the hubub about having a copy written down. This does not change anything on that end but I also wanted a way to digitally store them that I would not have to worry about, and could easily use and move between devices if needed. The GUI displays the 12 seed phrase words (numbered), a wallet name and some other info.
I know you could just make an encrypted zip file but I wanted something I could read / write to the wallet files with quickly and easily. No archive nonsense needed, and better encryption that also thwarts the use of crackers.
The pastebin link contains a seedCrypt file from my tool with the phrase to a wallet I made with 1 BTC in it. To test how well my app works I am posting it online, if you can get the seed words out post them here. Obviously the coin is yours as well 😉
This was all just for my own personal interest but I wanted to really see if the encryption is solid, what better way than putting a bounty on its head!
edit: a screenshot of the GUI for the curious: https://i.ibb.co/n3Db6cF/Capture.png
submitted by /u/pythoninja
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This information appeared first at https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/fa16ni/1btc_to_whoever_can_get_the_wallet_seed_phrase/
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