February 23, 2025

Apex Legends – Pathfinders Grapple Hook by Jonnyo85

Apex Legends – Pathfinders Grapple Hook –

Apex Legends – Pathfinders Grapple Hook

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As Thingiverse seems to be broken with the 3d Previews, you can go HERE to View it on my site.

This is my adaptation of Pathfinders Grapple hook.

Each claw is movable, either open or close.

You can also ad a bit of string in the top by threding it through and tieing a knot.

This will need supports and can be a pain to remove.

This is a print in place print so with the claws once printed i found pressing them in against the backplates(away from the screws are) will help to free it up, if you try to move them before doing this it may break.

I have not printed the “Claws up” stl

If you print, please post a make and credit where applicable

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Want to suggest something for me to make next? send me a Message .

This story was originally featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4177534

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