Real Products That Exist: Chanel’s $5,000 Water Bottle And Tote –
As if we needed another reason for God to abandon us (“Well, I tried,” I imagine him muttering as he throws up two handfuls of cloud and fist-pounding the reset button), this is Chanel’s $5,000 gold colored water bottle and lambskin flask bag with gold accents. It’s a water bottle and a bag to carry that water bottle and costs $5,000. I guess at least you aren’t generating plastic waste? Still, if you don’t immediately ditch the gold colored flask and never carry around anything but a chilled bottle of Dom Pérignon you suck at being rich and ought to be ashamed of yourself. Jesus, do you even own rocket shoes?
Keep going for a few more shots while I start manufacturing knock-offs to sell at flea markets.
Thanks to Gary, who agrees if your water bottle and tote case didn’t cost at least $10K, can you even honestly say you care about staying hydrated?
This information appeared first at
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